List of COVID Disinformation Spreaders That Need To Be Investigated

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Steve Kirsch believe that all of these people are involved in “The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions” and have collectively led to the tragic death of over 1M Americans.

Steve Kirsch runs a research foundation that present the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 policies, free from misinformation or corporate influence.

All of these people should be detained for questioning.

I’ve also provided a handy list of questions that none of them will be able to answer with satisfactory answers.

Steve's Disinformation list 

Note that the list is subjective. Different people will likely have different lists but most people would agree on the top five.

President Joe Biden

Told the public the vaccines were safe and effective even though the data said the opposite. Wore ineffective face masks in order to mislead the public into thinking these masks could protect them. Refused to meet with any qualified scientist or doctor with opposing viewpoints before and after mandating the vaccines. Deliberately refuses to meet with scientists with opposing viewpoints so continues to spread misinformation today. Continues to erode public trust in the office of the President with approval ratings that are at all time lows:

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

Told people the vaccines are safe and effective and that masks work. Withheld information about early treatment protocols.

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci

Funded the virus, covered it up, knowingly spread misinformation about the source of the virus, lied about it all in Congress when questioned by Senator Rand Paul, and told Cliff Lane to not approve any early treatments in the Guidelines.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Told people the vaccines are safe and effective and that masks work and said nothing about effective early treatment protocols. Compounded the error by labeling people trying to spread life-saving information as “disinformation” spreaders.

FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock

Said she would investigate the Maddie de Garay case that proved fraud in the Pfizer trial and then did nothing. The FDA also denied the EUA application on fluvoxamine, a drug later proven to reduce mortality by 12X in a large Phase 3 trial.

COVID-19 Guidelines Chairman Cliff Lane

Discredited every single working COVID early treatment including fluvoxamine which has a 12X reduction in fatalities. Ignored all COVID-19 early treatments that work.

Bill Gates

Funded the misinformation campaigns (the fact checkers) including GAVI.

Tom Shimabukuro (CDC vaccine expert)

Never mentioned the VAERS URF which underplayed the danger of the vaccines by at least 41x and deliberately misled people about causality and VAERS by claiming you can’t determine causality. Ignored all the safety signals in VAERS on all but a few symptoms. Ignored the death safety signal. Ignored every safety signal in DMED.

John Su (CDC, VAERS expert)

See Tom Shimabukuro

Steven A. Anderson (FDA), the top vaccine safety official at the FDA

Deliberately ignored all the VAERS and DMED safety signals and ignored all attempts to meet about the safety signals.

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

Mandated vaccination in California even though he was injured by the COVID vaccine. Will not vaccinate his own kids. He knows the vaccines are dangerous from first-hand experience and deliberately misleads the people of California by claiming they are safe.

Dr. Richard Pan, California State Senator

Introduced legislation in the California legislature to close the Personal Exemption Loophole for COVID-19 School Vaccinations which will lead to the death of an unknown number of children. All done with no scientific evidence.

Top corporate spreaders of misinformation

These companies refuse to censor doctors and scientists who claim that the vaccines are safe and effective and masks work. Instead they actually compound the problem censor people who are telling the truth. Net result: hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by censoring the wrong people.







The actions of the Disinformation Dozen cost lives

Collectively, these people are responsible for the deaths of over 1M Americans.

For example they have done things such as:

Encouraging and/or mandating people to take “vaccines” that data shows are more likely to kill them than to save them. And even when people aren’t killed, the scientific evidence shows that these vaccines are making people more likely to be infected from the latest variant. This has led to the untimely death of an estimated 400,000 Americans and to the permanent disablement of a roughly equivalent number.

Telling people to wear masks when they know full well that all of the randomized trials showed that masks were ineffective. By misleading people to think they were protected, people then ventured into dangerous situations believing they were protected when they were in fact not protected at all. Masks are not harmless interventions. IQ has dropped dramatically (22 points) due to this “harmless” intervention. DHS needs to stop these terrorists now inside the CDC who are promoting this.

Ignoring all attempts to challenge them on their views by refusing to debate qualified scientists and doctors

Spreading misinformation about the VAERS system by deliberately not calculating the underreporting factor using their own methodology and then not applying that in public statements, thus misleading the CDC and FDA outside committees into making erroneous decisions. Also ignoring all the safety data in the VAERS database and refusing to take any meetings to discuss it.

Deliberately trying to censor doctors and scientists from spreading the truth that will save lives through intimidation tactics and directing social networks to cancel their accounts

Sandbagging early treatment drugs that have been shown in clinical trials to save lives. They literally told people not to use these life-saving protocols leading to the unnecessary death of close to 900,000 people.

See Incriminating Evidence for details on all of the above points.

I believe they need to be silenced immediately before more harm is done.

See this article for more details but here’s the summary:

Follow advice based on science: < 7,500 dead

Follow the advice of the Disinformation Dozen: > 1.3M dead

Toby’s list

This list was created by Dr. Toby Rogers.

The corporate kingpins trial docket

Bill Gates (Gates Foundation)

Julie Gerberding (Merck)

Albert Bourla (Pfizer)

Alex Gorsky (J&J)

Stéphane Bancel (Moderna)

Pascal Soriot (AstraZeneca)

Kenneth Frazier (Merck)

Emma Walmsley (GSK)

Paul Hudson (Sanofi)

The institutional trial docket

Tony Fauci (NIAID)

Francis Collins (NIH)

Peter Hotez (Baylor)

Paul Offit (UPenn)

Tedros Adhanom (WHO)

Rochelle Walensky (CDC)

Frank DeStefano (CDC)

Tom Shimabukuro (CDC)

Ezekiel Emanuel (UPenn)

Michael Osterholm (Univ. MN)

Neil Ferguson (Imperial College London)

Dorit Reiss (UC)

The political trial docket

Andrew Cuomo (D-NY)

Phil Murphy (D-NJ)

Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)

Ned Lamont (D-CT)

Gavin Newsom (D-CA)

Thomas Frieden (D-NY)

Tom Wolf (D-PA)

Jay Inslee (D-WA)

Kate Brown (D-OR)

Janet Mills (D-ME)

Tim Walz (D-MN)

Ralph Northam (D-VA)

Jared Polis (D-CO)

Richard Pan (D-CA)

Lorena Gonzales (D-CA)

Brad Hoylman (D-NY)

Kyle Mullica (D-CO)

Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party, Canada)

The media trial docket

Susan Wojcicki (YouTube)

Sundar Pichai (Google)

Mark Zuckerberg (FB & IG)

Jack Dorsey (Twitter)

Lisa Sherman (The Ad Council)

Sanjay Gupta (CNN)

Anderson Cooper (D-CNN)

Rachel Maddow (MSNBC)

Leana Wen (Wapo/CNN)

Imran Ahmed (CCDH)

Joe Smyser (Project VCTR)

Brandy Zadrozny (NBC)

Honorable mention

Not included in the lists above, but worthy of investigation:

All state medical boards who investigated any physician for issuing waivers, speaking out against the vaccines or masks, or mandates, or prescribing live-saving drugs



Kathy Hochul, Governor of NY

Eric Topol (Scripps)

Zubin Damania (aka Zdoggmd)

Monica Gandhi (UCSF)

“Ed” (if you read the comments to my posts, you’ll know who I’m talking about)

Mike Pence

Deborah Brix

Klaus Schwab

Nancy Pelosi

Anna Eshoo

Who did I miss that deserves to be mentioned? Let me know in the comments.

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