Sign Petition FDA To Investigate Pfizer's Clinical Trial Fraud
Did Gavin Newsom & Justin Bieber Have Bell's Palsy From Vaccines?
Justin Bieber reveals he has Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Twitter suspended the VaccineTruth2 account
Want to know which article that they do NOT want you to see? It's the article showing Bieber's paralysis was 99% likely to have been caused by the vaccine.
They do not want you to learn the truth about Justin Bieber’s injury. They want you to believe the fairy tale that Bieber and his wife are just super unlucky and the vaccine played no role.
Twitter wouldn’t have done this for a nothing burger article. They are telling us this article could hurt the false narrative. Therefore, you’ll want to share the article widely:
Is Gavin Newsom is out of sight likely because he has Bell's Palsy from his booster shot?
Update: Gavin Newsom is lying about his vaccine injury and now I can prove it
Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells The Defender
Two Australian politicians had Bells a few months ago - Victor Dominello was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after concerning Covid-19 press conference
- Twitter reports of facial paralysis: first thought is Bell’s Palsy
- Emails with my friends say it is GBS
- Neurologist says either can cause facial paralysis
- Email I sent to a good friend of Newsom (who for sure knows his condition) about vaccine-induced Bell’s Palsy drew an immediate response asking for more info on effective treatments
BREAKING REPORT: Several Sources Now Claiming CA Gov. Gavin Newsom had a ADVERSE REACTION to the Vaccine Booster, specifically "Guillain-Barré syndrome"... -The Calirornia Globe
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) November 9, 2021
A source close to CA Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27.
— Joe Gooding 💯🇺🇸 (@joegooding) November 9, 2021
Reported to be Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) aka partial paralysis.
Is this true?
— Dr. Dawn Michael💗 (@SexCounseling) November 9, 2021
Gavin Newsom is reported to have Guillain-Barré Syndrome from the COVID jab.
GBS is a disorder where the body’s immune system damages nerves. The damage to the nerves causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.
Can anyone confirm?
— Larry Sanger (@lsanger) November 9, 2021
Report from insider source says that Calif. Gov Gavin Newsom has not been seen in public after an Oct. 27 jab. Supposedly Guillain–Barré syndrome, a potentially serious neurological disorder. | via
Triple Vaxxed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Infected with Covid… AGAIN
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday tested positive for Covid-19 again.
Trudeau visited the United States last week and just met with Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom and others.
Mr. Trudeau attended the Summit for the Americas in Los Angeles and took a “family photo” with Joe Biden and other political leaders.
PM Trudeau said he’s feeling okay because he’s triple vaxxed and encouraged others to get vaccinated.
Makes sense.
“I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. I’ll be following public health guidelines and isolating. I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots. So, if you haven’t, get vaccinated – and if you can, get boosted. Let’s protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves.” Trudeau said on Monday.
I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. I’ll be following public health guidelines and isolating. I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots. So, if you haven’t, get vaccinated - and if you can, get boosted. Let’s protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) June 13, 2022
Unvaccinated People Are Much More Likely to Develop Broad Antibody Immunity After Covid Infections
mRNA Shots Are Impeding the Development of the Anti-nucleocapsid Antibodies
Unvaccinated people are much more likely to develop broad antibody immunity after Covid infections than people who have received mRNA shots, a new study shows.
The gap remains large whether people had mild, moderate, or severe Covid infections, the study showed - undercutting a crucial argument that vaccine advocates have made to defend the shots.
The research draws on data from Moderna’s 30,000-person clinical trial for its mRNA shots. It may help explain why so many Americans now suffer multiple Covid infections, sometimes within months.
Researchers already knew that many vaccinated people do not gain antibodies to the entire coronavirus after they are infected with Covid.
Unvaccinated people nearly always gain antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, which covers the virus’s core of RNA, as well as its spike protein, which allows the virus to attack our cells. Vaccinated people often lack those anti-nucleocapsid antibodies and only have spike protein antibodies.
Vaccine advocates claim the lack of nucleocapsid antibodies may occur because the mRNA shots prime people to fight off the Covid infections more quickly and have lower viral loads. In this view, the narrow immune response is a feature, not a bug - vaccinated people are less seriously infected and so do not need to generate anti-nucleocapsid antibodies.
This study essentially demolishes that theory.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Moderna quietly posted the paper a month ago as a pre-print, but it has received little attention despite its import.
The researchers examined the development of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies in people who had been part of Moderna’s clinical trial and were infected with Covid. As they expected, the scientists found that the vaccinated people were far less likely to develop the anti-nucleocapsid antibodies. Only 40 percent of people who received the shots had antibodies, compared to 93 percent of those who did not.
But they then went a step further. Because the infected people had been in the trial, their viral loads had been precisely measured when they were found to have Covid. So the researchers were able to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated people who had the same amounts of virus in their blood.
Once again, they found that unvaccinated people were far more likely to develop anti-nucleocapsid antibodies than the jabbed. An unvaccinated person with a mild infection had a 71 percent chance of mounting an immune response that included those antibodies. A vaccinated person had about a 15 percent chance.
Only in cases of severe infection and very high viral loads did the difference narrow significantly; in those cases all unvaccinated people and most of the vaccinated had anti-nucleocapsid antibodies.
The chart that should worry the vaccinated: the yellow line shows the odds that an unvaccinated person will develop anti-nucleocapsid antibodies to Sars-Cov-2, stratified by viral load. The blue line shows the same odds for a person who received an mRNA shot.
An unvaccinated person has an almost 60 percent chance of developing antibodies even with an extremely mild infection; a vaccinated person needs almost 100,000 times as much virus in his blood to have the same chance.
The researchers also tried to correlate the development of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies with viral load over time. Theoretically, if vaccinated people cleared the virus more quickly, they might have fewer antibodies - another version of the “it’s-a-feature-not-a-bug” defense. But they found the opposite - again, vaccination status and not the duration of infection was what mattered.
The “likely explanation is a vaccine-induced reduction in seroconversion [the production of antibodies],” the researchers wrote.
The study all-but-proves the mRNA shots themselves — and not whatever reduction in viral loads they may cause — are impeding the development of the anti-nucleocapsid antibodies.
Still, the long-term immunological and medical significance of the lack of those antibodies is less clear. The reason that drugmakers targeted the spike protein rather than the nucleocapsid in the first place is that Sars-Cov-2 depends on its spike for its crucial initial attack on the exterior of human cells. It exposes the nucleocapsid protein only after it has dumped its mRNA inside the cell itself.
Yet there is some evidence that antibodies to the nucleocapsid play an important role later in our immune response.
And the coronavirus’s spike protein mutates rapidly, potentially rendering antibodies it against useless. For example, Omicron’s spike is markedly different than that of earlier variants. The nucleocapsid protein mutates far more slowly, offering a potential second line of defense.
Answering these questions and figuring out what if any harm the lack of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies may cause will require a concerted research effort. But it is precisely this kind of work - work that might reveal long-term damage from the vaccines - that government and academic scientists are studiously avoiding.
The most important question of all - is whether unvaccinated people are being reinfected, or only the vaccinated.
Global COVID Summit - Restore Scientific Integrity
Pfizer's Data Dump Shows Only 12% Efficacy Rate for Vaccine
Pfizer released 80,000 pages of data pretty much showing that the vaccine efficacy at 12% is only a fraction of the 95% we were told. Here is a data source.
#PfizerDump #Pfizer #BREAKING #BreakingNews
— CramerSez (@CramerSez) May 3, 2022
They also knew it could cause harm to the unborn.
This thread shows how the manipulated the numbers.
— Brady Moon (@RockyMoonShine2) May 5, 2022
Wall Street Is Finally Paying Attention to the ‘Trust the Science’ Fraud
ICYMI: Oregon Sen. Kim Thatcher, Dennis Linthicum and Dr Ealy have filed Grand Jury Petition in 9th Circuit Court against CDC, Rochelle Walensky et al.
— rosecity_outrage (@rosecityoutrage) March 27, 2022
Suit alleges Covid data fraud, conspiracy, malfeasance, misappropriation of taxpayer $ and more. 👇🏻
The Correct Way to Handle the Pandemic
Stop the vaccines now. The current COVID vaccines kill more people than they can possibly save from COVID, even if they were 100% effective so should be taken off the market immediately. For example, the vaccine may kill 117 kids for every kid that is saved from COVID.
The liability exemption is now lifted retroactively. Patients who have been harmed by the COVID vaccines can now sue the drug company for damages up to $100M per case of fatality or disability.
Every post-vaccination ailment, affliction and death appearing within 4 weeks of vaccination that appears at a rate of 10X or more vs. baseline should be attributed to the vaccine unless and until proven otherwise, by irrefutable evidence, with costs of all diagnostic procedures to be born by the pharmaceutical manufacturer.
For future approved vaccines, informed consent provide shall include any and all symptoms that are elevated in VAERS by 10X or more over “baseline” reporting rates.
For future approved vaccines, require autopsies for anyone who dies within 2 weeks of getting the vaccine. The autopsy reports should be posted in a public database with Names and other PHI related data redacted
Failure to file a VAERS report for anyone who dies within 30 days of COVID vaccination shall be liable to a fine of $100,000 per incident.
Informed consent
If for some reason, we couldn’t stop the vaccine, then everyone should be required to read and sign an informed consent prior to getting vaccinated. Here are some options:
COVID vaccine informed consent form
Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections
Instruct public health officers to recommend that businesses post signs saying WARNING: face masks are NOT recommended. They have not been shown to stop COVID and mask wearing may be harmful to your health.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever placed on any person who has recovered from a COVID infection since these people cannot transmit future infections. So any sort of testing requirement shall not apply to these people.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated people should be treated the same way since they are equally likely to be infected or spread COVID. So if there is a testing protocol, it must treat vax and unvaxed the same. Same is true for hospitalized patients: there shouldn’t be a separate facility for vaxed vs. unvaxed: they should be treated the same way.
Lockdowns for COVID are now illegal. COVID is endemic. We are all going to get it sooner or later. So let’s just get it over with and move on. Once you are infected, treat with early treatment and now you are unable to transmit any subsequent re-infection to others.
It shall be illegal to coerce anyone to get any vaccination of any type. That goes for military, employer, school, etc. mandates. Vaccination shall be solely up to the individual. People should never be threatened with termination for not being vaccinated. This is especially silly for a vaccine which is toxic and relatively ineffective.
It shall be illegal for any organization to require anyone to wear a mask. Mask wearing should be completely at the option of the wearer. For people who are convinced they work, fine, go wear the mask knowing you will be protected (even though you won’t be).
Inadequately tested drugs
Newly approved drugs with less than a 1 year safety record shall be so labelled by the drug manufacturer in a prominent place that the long-term effects of the drug are unknown.
Early treatment
Put all early treatment protocols with a 95% or higher hospitalization and/or death reduction in clinical practice in hospitalization on a list of recommended treatments in the NIH COVID treatment guidelines
Any drug with at least one positive Phase 3 result (effect size 20% or better) or at least one published systematic-review and meta analysis for use against COVID shall be listed as recommended on the NIH treatment guidelines.
Supplements with a 20% effect size or greater in clinical trials shall be listed as recommended.
All public health officials shall encourage the public to talk to their doctors about the approved early treatment drug / supplement protocols listed on the NIH website.
The public should be encouraged to have on hand drugs for at least one of the early treatment drug / supplement protocol.
Doctors shall comply with patient requests for medications to be administered if there is a sound scientific basis for the request and no sound scientific basis for denying the request. Physicians who ignore this are subject to having their license to practice revoked.
Right to medicine
Revoke the license of any pharmacist who refuses to fill a prescription for an off-label drug where 1) there is clear scientific evidence of a benefit OR 2) where the medication is prescribed in dosages that have been shown to be safe (e.g., dosages approved for the labelled use). This allows a pharmacist to act as a double-check on a physician’s prescription (e.g., to avoid typos, etc) but keeps the pharmacist from second-guessing the prescription.
Scientific integrity
Any publisher who revokes or causes publication delay of a scientific paper without a scientific reason, shall be liable for damages to the author of $100,000 per day.
Scientists can, for good cause, publish papers anonymously (the journal will know). This protects research groups from retribution for publishing “unpopular” science such as confirming the Gundry study. See my article about the Gundry study confirmation where the science was suppressed because the authors were afraid of losing grant money.
Social distancing
There needs to be clear scientific evidence whether this is effective or not. In general, people should make their own personal choice on this. I wish there was a paper showing the effect on transmission versus distance. 6 feet seems a bit too contrived to make me comfortable it is the “right” number people should pay attention to. Where is the science here????
Deliberately mislabeling a death that wasn’t caused by COVID as a COVID death shall be subject to criminal prosecution and a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison.
Halt the use of remdesivir for hospitalized patients. It doesn’t work and it is basically killing people.
Hospitals shall comply with patient requests for medication if there is a clear rationale for the request and a lack of any data showing that the medication is likely to cause more harm than benefit.
Medical free choice
Doctors shall comply with patient requests for FDA approved medications to be administered which are supported by scientific data unless there is a more compelling scientific basis to deny the request.
Hospitals who fire healthcare workers for speaking out (whistleblowers) shall be subject to a private right of action to recover 10 years of wages per incident.
Spreading misinformation about masking and COVID vaccines
Any doctor who tells a patient that the vaccines are “safe and effective” or that cloth or surgical masks can stop COVID shall be called to show the scientific proof of this and lacking such proof shall his license revoked for spreading medical misinformation that can cause patient harm.
Any person who is suspended by a social network for communicating truthful scientific data and opinions shall have a private right of action to recover statutory damages of $10,000 per day for ever day the person is suspended.
Any person whose social network post (text or video) is not false and misleading but is erroneously labelled false and misleading is entitled to sue the platform for $10,000 per day that the post is mislabeled or removed by the social network.
Criminal prosecution against FDA, CDC, and NIH leaders who are suppressing the science in favor of the narrative. I can assure you, these people are corrupt. It is obvious to anyone with a brain who looks objectively at the data (such as this brilliant article by Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D. Yet the CDC and FDA cannot find a single safety signal? Give me a break. Nobody in Congress is interested in pursuing.
Today, CDC employees like John Su at the CDC, don’t have to answer a single question from the public. Neither do the outside committee members. Instead of a public speaking portion, the public should have the right to ask question of people who are sitting on these committees or make invited presentations. Today we have nothing. None of these people have to answer a single question and even with a million dollar incentive will not sit down for an interview. I wonder what they are so afraid of?
That’s my list. Not exhaustive, but you get the idea. We need to stop treating this virus like it is radioactive. There are many safe protocols for treating COVID and once recovered, the patient is always better off than if they were vaccinated.
Treating COVID with early treatments of a cocktail of repurposed drugs is the right approach. Vaccination with an unsafe, leaky vaccine in the middle of a pandemic is a recipe for disaster. We need to get off this treadmill ASAP.
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