8 Ways MRNA COVID Vaccines Can Kill You
Locked-Down States Are Where COVID Is Growing Most
The response from the corporate media and the Left was predictable. California Governor Gavin Newsom declared the move “absolutely reckless.” Beto O’Rourke called the GOP a “cult of death.” Joe Biden called the move “Neanderthal thinking.” Keith Olbermann insisted, “Texas has decided to join the side of the virus” and suggested Texans shouldn’t be allowed to take the covid vaccine. Vanity Fair ran an article with the title “Republican Governors Celebrate COVID Anniversary with Bold Plan to Kill Another 500,000 Americans.”
Other states have followed in Texas’s wake, and Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia are now all states where covid restrictions range from weak to nonexistent.
Georgia and Florida, of course, are both notable for ending lockdowns and restriction much earlier than many other states. And in those cases as well, the state governments were criticized for their policies, which were said to be reckless and sure to lead to unprecedented death. Georgia’s policy was denounced as an experiment in “human sacrifice.”
Yet in recent weeks, these predictions about Texas’s fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns. The failure of the lockdown narrative in this case has been so overwhelming that last week, when asked about the Texas situation, Anthony Fauci could only suggest a few unconvincing lines about how maybe Texans are voluntarily wearing masks and locking down more strenuously than people in other states. In Fauci's weak-sauce explanation we see a narrative that simply fails to explain the actual facts of the matter.
The Texas situation is just one piece of a state-by-state picture that is devastating for the lockdowns-save-lives narrative.
For example, let’s look at covid case numbers as of April 20.
Case numbers are a favorite metric for advocates of stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask mandates, and repressive measures in the name of disease control.
In Texas, the total new cases (seven-day moving average) on April 20 was 3,004. That comes out to approximately 103 per million.
Now, let’s look at Michigan, where a variety of strict mask mandates and partial lockdowns continue. Restaurant capacity remains at 50 percent, and the state continues to issue edicts about how many people one is allowed to have over for dinner.
In Michigan, the seven-day moving average for new infections as of April 20 was 790 per million - nearly eight times worse than Texas.
Last week, Anthony Fauci, head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) struggled to come up with an explanation as he testified to Congress.
In previous weeks, Fauci tended to rely on the old tried-and-true claim that if we only wait two to four more weeks, cases will explode wherever covid restrictions are lessened or eliminated. Lockdown advocates tried this for months after Georgia ended its stay-at-home order, although Georgia consistently performed better than many states that continued their lockdowns.
But now that we’re six weeks out from the end of Texas’s mask mandate and partial lockdowns, Fauci could offer no plausible explanation. Rather, when pressed on the matter by Representative Jim Jordan, Fauci insisted that what really matters is compliance rather than the existence of mask mandates and lockdown mandates:
There’s a difference between lockdown and the people obeying the lockdown…. You know you could have a situation where they say, "We’re going to lock down," and yet you have people doing exactly what they want—
Jordan asked if this explains the situation in Michigan and New Jersey (and other states with quickly growing covid case rates). Fauci then claimed he couldn’t hear the question, and Jordan was cut off by the committee chairman.
No one who is familiar with the situation in states like Texas, Florida, and Georgia, however, would find it plausible that the spread of covid has been lessened in those areas by more militant use of masks and social distancing. Fauci's testimony was clearly just a case of a government “expert” grasping about for an explanation.
But don’t expect Fauci and his supporters to give up on insisting that New York and Michigan are doing "the right thing" while Texas and Florida are embracing "human sacrifice" as a part of a "death cult."
The actual numbers paint a very different picture, and even casual observers can now see that the old narrative was very, very wrong.
Fake COVID Vaccines Discovered
While scammers have been selling fake or forged COVID-19 vaccination cards, another scam has been discovered involving counterfeit versions of the vaccine.
WSJ reports fake versions of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech have been found in Mexico and Poland.
In Mexico, a man who claimed to be a biotech expert injected upwards of 80 people with the fake vaccine - charging $1,000 per dose. WSJ said none of the people had been physically harmed by the injection.
Dr. Manuel de la O, the health secretary of Nuevo León state in Northeastern Mexico, said fake vials of the vaccine were found in what appeared to be beer coolers. The counterfeit vaccines had "different lot numbers than those sent to the state and a wrong expiration date," the health secretary said.
Reports of counterfeit vaccines were also found in Poland, where authorities seized a stockpile from a man's apartment. The substance found inside the vials was likely an anti-wrinkle treatment, Pfizer said.
"Everybody on the planet needs it. Many are desperate for it," Lev Kubiak, Pfizer's world head of security, told WSJ. "We have a very limited supply, a supply that will increase as we ramp up and other companies enter the vaccine space. In the interim, there is a perfect opportunity for criminals."
Pfizer is also working with law enforcement on counterfeit vaccine cases like those recently uncovered in Mexico and Poland. Johnson & Johnson and Moderna are other top producers of COVID vaccines. They, too, are working with authorities to monitor fake vaccine distribution.
Across the world, dozens of websites have been shut down for fraudulently claiming to sell vaccines. Some of the websites appeared to be seeking personal information for identity fraud schemes than actually injecting people with vaccines.
In other countries, including China and South Africa, authorities seized thousands of doses of counterfeit vaccines, according to Interpol.
The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center, an investigative arm of the US Department of Homeland Security, has also been investigating fraud related to the virus pandemic globally. Investigators have removed 30 websites and seized 74 web domains, according to IPR officials. So far, no counterfeit vaccines have been found on US soil.
Countries that are struggling to obtain vaccines appear to be the most prone to fraudulent schemes.
"Whenever you see this mismatch between demand and supply in certain areas, there are people who are willing to fill that difference with counterfeits," said Tony Pelli, a consultant with BSI Group who concentrates on drug security. "For new drugs, it's usually just a matter of time before you see people trying to counterfeit them."
What appears evident is that low-income countries struggling to obtain vaccines are ripe for fraud.
Was It Ever Necessary to Wear Masks Outdoors?
Swine Flu Vaccines in 1976 Were Linked To Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Guillain-Barré syndrome is thought to be caused by a problem with the immune system, the body's natural defense against illness and infection. New neurologic symptoms is one of the reasons they stopped the J&J vaccines.
Normally the immune system attacks any germs that get into the body. But in people with Guillain-Barré syndrome, something goes wrong and it mistakenly attacks the nerves.
This damages the nerves and stops signals from the brain traveling along with them properly, which can cause problems such as numbness, weakness and pain in the limbs.
It's not clear exactly why this happens. The condition is not passed from person to person and is not inherited.
In the past, the flu vaccine used in the US during a swine flu outbreak in 1976 were linked to an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
But research has since found the chances of developing the condition after having a vaccination are extremely small.
For example, a study into the vaccine used during the 2009 swine flu outbreak found that for every million people who had the vaccination, there were fewer than 2 extra cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
And evidence suggests that you are far more likely to get Guillain-Barré syndrome from an infection, such as the flu, than the vaccine designed to prevent the infection, such as the flu jab.
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder where the body’s immune system damages nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. While its cause is not fully understood, the syndrome often follows infection with a virus or bacteria. Each year in the United States, an estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent nerve damage.
In 1976, there was a small increased risk of GBS after swine flu vaccination, which was a special flu vaccine for a potential pandemic strain of flu virus. The National Academy of Medicine, formerly known as the Institute of Medicine, conducted a scientific review of this issue in 2003 and found that people who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine had an increased risk for developing GBS. The increased risk was approximately one additional case of GBS for every 100,000 people who got the swine flu vaccine. Scientists have several theories about the cause, but the exact reason for this link remains unknown.
There have been several studies of the risk of GBS after flu vaccine and CDC monitors for GBS during each flu season. The data on an association between seasonal influenza vaccine and GBS have been variable from season to season. When there has been an increased risk, it has consistently been in the range of 1-2 additional GBS cases per million flu vaccine doses administered.
Studies suggest that it is more likely that a person will get GBS after getting the flu than after vaccination. It is important to keep in mind that severe illness and death are associated with flu, and getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent flu infection and its complications.
Potential J&J Covid-19 Vaccine Symptoms
J&J COVID-19 Vaccine Update, April 13, 2021
The use of this vaccine is ‘paused’ for now. This is because the safety systems that make sure vaccines are safe received a small number of reports of a rare and severe type of blood clot happening in people who got this vaccine.
We do not know enough yet to say if the vaccine is related to or caused this health issue. To be extra careful, CDC and FDA recommend that the vaccine not be given until we learn more.
If you got this vaccine, seek medical care urgently if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- severe headache
- backache
- new neurologic symptoms
- severe abdominal pain
- shortness of breath
- leg swelling
- tiny red spots on the skin (petechiae), or
- new or easy bruising
How Much Money Did J&J Make From COVID Vaccines?
The company is on track to produce 1 billion doses for global distribution by the end of 2021, which would generate up to $10 billion. In August, Johnson & Johnson reached a more than $1 billion agreement with the United States for 100 million doses of its vaccine, with the option to purchase an additional 200 million doses, for $10 per shot. In addition, Johnson & Johnson reached an agreement with the E.U. for up to 400 million doses.
CDC and FDA have recommended a pause in the use of the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine in the United States out of an abundance of caution, effective Tuesday, April 13. CDC will convene a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on Wednesday, April 14, to address this issue. People who have received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine within the past three weeks who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath should contact their health care provider.
How Much Does Big Pharma Spend on Advertising & PR?
Here is a list of top 50 companies. Why Istn't J&J On This List?
If you watch television for any amount of time, you’re probably going to see a drug commercial that tugs on your heart strings, promises to heal your worst medical conditions, and then a voiceover will quickly gloss over the multitude of side effects in a too-quick-to-understand string of monotone words. Prescription medications are are multi-BILLION dollar industry that’s making not only the pharmaceutical companies tons of money, but also the network television stations. How is this influencing public opinion AND health?
Are you annoyed yet how much these ads are on TV? Equally concerning is that pharmaceutical advertising is banned in just about every country except the United States and New Zealand. And consider this: the average American watches 16 hours of pharmaceutical commercials each year which is more time than they spend with their primary physician. One-third of these people ask their doctors about a drug advertisement and most request a prescription.
Are any these companies responsible for the negative PR campaigns to smear Dr. Judy Mikovitz theory PhD Scientist "A Vaccine Could Be Causing The Covid-19 Pandemic"? All of these debunking articles are trying to discredit Judy's reputation and none of them really are answering the true questions that she raises.
Can We Really Develop a Safe, Effective Coronavirus Vaccine?
In the event of any infectious disease outbreak, our minds turn to vaccines and they do so for good reason. They can safe in most cases, relatively expensive and have worked pretty well for diseases including smallpox, polio, yellow fever, and, most recently, Ebola.
Scientists suggest the Coronavirus has already mutated into 30+ strains. Drug and vaccine development, while urgent, need to take the impact of these accumulating mutations into account to avoid potential pitfalls. Researchers said the findings show the true diversity of the viral strains is still largely underappreciated.
Also, many scientists think this might make it difficult for a vaccine that’s created in a year from now. It might not be the vaccine that’s effective because it won’t be targeting the right molecule, and it’s targeting could change a little bit.
The CDC used to cite that the flu vaccine was 70-90% effective from 2004-2016. I was quite surprised to see this chart below when I looked at the CDC web site showing 10-60% effectiveness. Clinical Infectious Disease Flu Vaccine
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution. The next strain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. Our goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response.
Will a vaccine come as easily for the novel coronavirus? The answer is maybe yes, maybe not. The “maybe yes” comes from the observation that in animal studies, coronaviruses stimulate strong immune responses, which seem capable of knocking out the virus. Recovery from COVID-19 may be in large part due to an effective immune response. The “maybe not” comes from evidence just as strong, at least with earlier SARS and MERS viruses, that natural immunity to these viruses is short-lived. In fact, some animals can be reinfected with the very same strain that caused infection in the first place.
This raises more crucial questions with equally ambiguous answers. If a vaccine does prove to be effective, would it be effective for long? How long will it take to develop a vaccine in the first place? Will herd immunity be more effective? Did Sweden get it right with regards to public policy?
Here is an Example of How the Flu Virus Can Change: “Drift” and “Shift” from CDC. Influenza viruses are constantly changing. They can change in two different ways and thus why flu vaccines are not always effective.
One way influenza viruses change is called “antigenic drift.” The small changes that occur from antigenic drift usually produce viruses that are closely related to one another, which can be illustrated by their location close together on a phylogenetic tree. Influenza viruses that are closely related to each other usually have similar antigenic properties. This means that antibodies your immune system creates against one influenza virus will likely recognize and respond to antigenically similar influenza viruses (this is called “cross-protection”).
However, the small changes associated with antigenic drift can accumulate over time and result in viruses that are antigenically different (further away on the phylogenetic tree). It is also possible for a single (or small) change in a particularly important location on the HA to result in antigenic drift. When antigenic drift occurs, the body’s immune system may not recognize and prevent sickness caused by the newer influenza viruses. As a result, a person becomes susceptible to flu infection again, as antigenic drift has changed the virus enough that a person’s existing antibodies won’t recognize and neutralize the newer influenza viruses.
Antigenic drift is the main reason why people can get the flu more than one time, and it’s also a primary reason why the flu vaccine composition must be reviewed and updated each year (as needed) to keep up with evolving influenza viruses.
The other type of change is called “antigenic shift.” Antigenic shift is an abrupt, major change in an influenza A virus, resulting in new HA and/or new HA and NA proteins in influenza viruses that infect humans. Shift can result in a new influenza A subtype in humans. One way shift can happen is when an influenza virus from an animal population gains the ability to infect humans. Such animal-origin viruses can contain an HA or HA/NA combination that is so different from the same subtype in humans that most people do not have immunity to the new (e.g., novel) virus. Such a “shift” occurred in the spring of 2009, when an H1N1 virus with genes from North American Swine, Eurasian Swine, humans and birds emerged to infect people and quickly spread, causing a pandemic. When shift happens, most people have little or no immunity against the new virus.
While influenza viruses change all the time due to antigenic drift, antigenic shift happens less frequently. Influenza pandemics occur very rarely; there have been four pandemics in the past 100 years. For more information, see pandemic flu. Type A viruses undergo both antigenic drift and shift and are the only influenza viruses known to cause pandemics, while influenza type B viruses change only by the more gradual process of antigenic drift.
The history of vaccines also shows that Government policies based around mandating vaccines are political.
Why We Need a Placebo Covid-19 Vaccine
What is the nocebo effect?
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